Mrs. Elvera Ricks Shannon, the daughter of the late Norris Ricks and Elmira (Kate) Ricks, was born, raised and still resides in Gretna Louisiana. She is the widow of the late Mayor George A. Shannon of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana. Although she had no children, she raised a niece, a nephew and a grand nephew as though they were her own. Her loving spirit was nurtured in her church, the New Hope Baptist Church of Gretna, LA where she worshipped under the pastorship of the late Rev. Arthur Piper.
Mrs. Shannon was educated in the schools of New Orleans and received her Bachelor of Science Degree and Master of Education Degrees from Southern University in Baton Rouge. She also completed special studies at Xavier University, Tulane University, Jackson State University, the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Our Lady of Holy Cross College and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She is a retired educator with over 33 years of teaching experience, having taught Science, Spanish and Civics. Her professional and civic affiliations include the Louisiana Retired Teachers Association, the American Association of Retired Persons, the National Council of Negro Women, the Sabine Parish Employees Federal Credit Union Board of Directors, the Jeremiah Group, the President of the Board of Directors for the Prince Hall Youth Fund, Sabine parish Sales Tax Commission Board of Directors where she served as Vice President, Former Alderwoman for the Village of Pleasant Hill, LA, former Advisory Committee member for the Peoples State Bank in Pleasant Hill, and Former Advisory Committee Member, former State Representative Joe Salter, Speaker of the House of Representatives from Florien, LA.
Mrs. Shannon is an active member of the Prince Hall family of fraternal organizations. She is a life member of the Phyllis Chapter of the Phylaxis Society, Ruby E. Williams Auxiliary, an organization that studies the history and researches Prince Hall Eastern Stars. She is a Past Commandress of Ghadur Court #129 and an appointed officer of the Imperial Court, Daughters of Isis, having held several Directress positions, as well as the honor of being an Honorary Past Imperial Commandress. She is a Past Grand Loyal Lady Ruler of the Order of Golden Circle of Louisiana, an Honorary Past Most Royal Grand Commandress for the Order of Cyrenes, and an Honorary Past Most Ancient Matron for the Heroines of Jericho.
As a member of Pride of Gretna Chapter #60 of Gretna, LA, Mrs. Shannon has served as Worthy Matron of her Chapter, as Past Grand Publicist, as Past Grand Associate Conductress, and presently serves as the Grand Worthy Matron for Esther Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Louisiana Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliation. While serving as the Grand Worthy Matron, her peers saw fit to elect her to serve as the President of the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Matrons and Grand Patrons.
Mrs. Shannon is a compassionate leader who has a vision of where she wants our society to be and a plan for ensuring that we get there.